The following are the list of CLEAN damaged/unwanted garments/supplies we are able to accept for upcycling at RETHINK Tailoring. If you have something, just e-mail us at info@rethinktailoring.com so we can control the incoming pace of donations:
-T-shirts (good condition and damaged condition)
-Jeans (all colors) and khakis
-sequined/tulle garments
-Sweaters (with holes=even better: practice for students in sweater repair class)
-Button-up shirts/blouses (even 100% poly blouses)
-Jersey Dresses and skirts
-Mesh garments
-Leather Jackets
-Broken jewelry/orphaned earrings
-Questionable condition portable sewing machines
-Sewing supplies/yarn scraps
-Leftover jewelry supplies
-Leftover polyfil stuffing
-Buckles from worn out shoes
-Sewing books for future library
-Sewing Patterns
-Altoids Tins
-Large scraps of posterboard
**Items that are a case by case basis right now: damaged vintage, sheets and quilts, so just email us (info@rethinktailoring.com) on those. We don’t want to collect more than we can use!
Please share if you can!
XOXO The Upcyclers